About us

Brat Garb is a one woman (and her husband after 9-5 work) band based in rural Southland (New Zealand)

By day I homeschool a raft of kids, run a tiny farm with a couple of steers, the cutest of babydoll cross lambs each season and a bunch of irreverent chickens, some wannabe (unsuccessful) herding dogs, a successful hunting farm cat and two lazy overweight prima-donna house cats... and a husband.

- But by night once the kids are in bed, the dishes are done and I've put on a load of laundry I turn the music up and create something.

I sew for fun, to relax, for artistic expression and now, to sell. My best work (that you can buy) goes into items that are too small for my own children so I'm not tempted to keep it. Keep that in mind (anything under a size 4).  My personal preference are natural colours but then occasionally I'll bust out a fluro number and to be fair The Wild Wolf in the fluro whispy rainbow faux fur is one of my favorite to make.

There are two points I try to stick to; Clothing that lasts and a fair price. If I wouldn't buy it then I don't make it.

I'm not a greenie but I hate waste, you'd think with the ability to sew my kids would have a wardrobe full of amazing outfits, and yes they each have a couple of "cool" pieces which they had a hand in making and a few more pieces which I didn't consider good enough to sell while developing patterns. However they enjoy the comfort of what they have and prefer for a patch on top of a patch rather than a new pair of pants. And for that, I am more than happy to oblige. I have developed each of the items to last more than just one season because - don't you hate it when you find the perfect dress and wear it whenever you can and then one day you have a growth spurt and it doesn't fit? I know I do...  Each item including the boys shirts are sized so they will last multiple seasons, sometimes a couple of years (except the boys long sleeve shirts, for anyone that doesn't have a boy - they sprout up like weeds. One day they are small and cute and calling you mummy and the next day they tower over you and can grab the baking stuff of the top shelf with their now three quarter sleeve that fit them perfectly to the wrist the previous day before you can get the step ladder).

I first found this amazing information developing the colonial dress & apron and the wisdom from the Victorian era in young children's clothes designed to last one child a couple of years. I have tried to push that through each of my pieces.

As far as prices go - this is my secret, My patterns are developed to use the least amount of material and I buy only end of lines or end of rolls which are heavily discounted and then I pass that savings onto the buyer. I could not make a living doing this - more so I can not charge $120+ for a dress as my second point is I believe Brat Garb should always be affordable to anyone who wants one.   

If you're looking for a real bargain keep an eye on the Facebook page for development pieces. 

As a side note - this is not an animal free work place and although they are not "allowed" in the work room they get in there. If you or the person you are buying for are allergic to animals (especially *raw wool) please proceed with this knowledge and wash any garments first. All items are packed in plastic packing boxes or garment bags for storage to protect them from... mainly kids but also pets & livestock.

*Raw wool - Sheep are "supposed" to stay away from people and be herded to where ever they are meant to eat next. Rodger is our Babydoll ram and he is not like other rams. Rodger is a dog in sheeps clothing, he'll come running over for a pat whenever he see's a person and if you don't complete your mandatory ram rub down he will slowly take you out by taking your feet out from under you - in slow motion until you are on the ground. Rodger doesn't hang out with the other sheep unless it's "that time". Rodger has a paddock mate called Ernie, a moo cow steer (that's for the city people) that isn't quite right in the head. On the plus side I have not needed to moisturize my hands in years. 

I do get help, my kids like to stuff wheat bags - and you'd be sure it won't be understuffed, down to the last gram it will be correct.

Husband - his primary job is to look after all things IT, without him I wouldn't have a web page.  But has been known to help with wheat bags & face masks when needed for big orders and packing boxes ready for craft shows.